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  1. Wavelet in Astronomy From the Isotropic Undecimated WT to Compressed Sensing.rar

  2. Wavelet in Astronomy From the Isotropic Undecimated WT to Compressed Sensing.rar 论文和程序
  3. 所属分类:文档资料

    • 发布日期:2010-12-03
    • 文件大小:8023003
    • 提供者:limiao_0530
  1. cs.rar

  2. 压缩传感理论的一个简单例子,首先对信号进行稀疏采样,然后利用MP算法对信号进行重建。,Compressed sensing theory of a simple example, first of all, the signal sparse sampling, and then use MP algorithm of signal reconstruction.
  3. 所属分类:Special Effects

    • 发布日期:2016-06-18
    • 文件大小:1029
    • 提供者:汪博峰
  1. l1_ls_matlab.rar

  2. cs压缩传感用于信号估计和信号去噪,是一种非常有效而且相当先进的技术,cs compressed sensing for signal estimation and signal denoising is a very effective and very advanced technology
  3. 所属分类:matlab

    • 发布日期:2016-07-27
    • 文件大小:78698
    • 提供者:岳杨
  1. dct_cs

  2. 采用BP算法来实现压缩感知的信号重构示例。BP算法由线性规划来实现,稀疏基为DCT基,信号为语音信号-an example of using BP algorithm for signal reconstruction in compressed sensing. BP algorithm is implemented by linear programming, sparse basis is the DCT basis, the signal used is speech
  3. 所属分类:matlab

    • 发布日期:2017-03-30
    • 文件大小:724
    • 提供者:Haiyan Guo
  1. SparseLab21-Core

  2. 一种基于压缩感知技术的图像重建程序,可以提高图像重建质量和速度-Compressed sensing technology based on the image reconstruction process, can improve the quality and speed of image reconstruction
  3. 所属分类:Applications

    • 发布日期:2015-12-17
    • 文件大小:32759479
    • 提供者:赵海生
  1. distributed-video-compress-sensing

  2. 一篇将分布式视频压缩和压缩感知联系起来的文章-One will be distributed video compression and compressed sensing article link
  3. 所属分类:Compress-Decompress algrithms

    • 发布日期:2017-03-24
    • 文件大小:236880
    • 提供者:郭蕾
  1. cs-code

  2. 一个正弦波利用DCT,FFT变换后稀疏化,然后应用压缩感知实现压缩,并有仿真图例说明重构效果。重构算法采用线性规划和OMP算法等,是一个初学CS入门的好例子。-A sine wave using DCT, FFT transform sparse, and then apply compressed sensing to achieve compression, and a legend reconstruction simulation results. Reconstruction algo
  3. 所属分类:matlab

    • 发布日期:2016-06-22
    • 文件大小:6144
    • 提供者:吴刚
  1. Tutorials

  2. 个人手机的关于压缩感知的入门教程,包括pdf,ppt以及个人整理的word文档,希望对大家有帮助!-Personal phone introductory tutorial on compressed sensing, including pdf, ppt, and personal finishing the word document, we want to help!
  3. 所属分类:Communication-Mobile

    • 发布日期:2017-06-11
    • 文件大小:18712823
    • 提供者:daig
  1. IHT

  2. iterative hard thresholding algorithm in Compressed Sensing
  3. 所属分类:matlab

    • 发布日期:2014-08-27
    • 文件大小:1024
    • 提供者:沈益
  1. compressed-sensing

  2. 用MATLAB实现的压缩传感,外文资料,里面含有部分源代码,用MATLAB可以仿真-Compressed sensing using MATLAB implementation, foreign language data, which contains part of the source code can be simulated using MATLAB
  3. 所属分类:matlab

    • 发布日期:2015-08-14
    • 文件大小:5738496
    • 提供者:pepemia
  1. Tutorial

  2. 压缩传感,压缩感知,压缩采样,稀疏表达,稀疏表示,的入门介绍,自己精心搜集的ppt,pdf资料,助你轻松入门-compressive sening compressed sensing
  3. 所属分类:Development Research

    • 发布日期:2017-06-10
    • 文件大小:17412763
    • 提供者:赵佳
  1. compressed-sensing-procedure

  2. 基于压缩感知的图像处理,分别使用二维DCT、FFT和一维dwt变换对图像信号进行稀疏变换,然后使用正交匹配追踪算法进行重构,在进行相应的逆变换-This is a image processing procedure based on compressed sensing which respectively uses two-dimensional DCT, FFT and one-dimensional dwt transform to sparse the image signal a
  3. 所属分类:matlab

    • 发布日期:2016-04-06
    • 文件大小:41984
    • 提供者:刘会影
  1. Rice-University-compressed-sensing

  2. 压缩传感介绍性文章,文章详细介绍了稀疏矩阵的构建方法-an introduction to compressed sensing and the sparse matrix
  3. 所属分类:matlab

    • 发布日期:2017-03-23
    • 文件大小:614456
    • 提供者:沙笔

  2. 一篇关于压缩感知的经典文章,压缩感知(Compressed sensing,简称CS,也称为Compressive sampling)理论异于近代奈奎斯特采样定理,它指出:利用随机观测矩阵可以把一个稀疏或可压缩的高维信号投影到低维空间上,然后再利用这些少量的投影通过解一个优化问题就可以以高概率重构原始稀疏信号,并且证明了这样的随机投影包含了原始稀疏信号的足够信息。-A classic article on compressed sensing, compressive sensing (Comp
  3. 所属分类:Compress-Decompress algrithms

    • 发布日期:2017-03-23
    • 文件大小:103979
    • 提供者:刘奎
  1. Compressed-Sensing---A-Tutorial

  2. 压缩感知简介,最基础的东西,给初学者准备的-compresive sensing
  3. 所属分类:matlab

    • 发布日期:2017-05-11
    • 文件大小:2925940
    • 提供者:wang
  1. compressd-sensing

  2. 压缩感知的发展与应用,这是目前比较热门的研究方向,在医学,图像等领域应用前景广阔。Development and application of compressed sensing-Development and application of compressed sensing, which is the more popular research in medicine, image and other promising areas of application. Development
  3. 所属分类:Development Research

    • 发布日期:2017-04-02
    • 文件大小:372482
    • 提供者:彭军伟
  1. Compressed-sensing-denoising-code

  2. 压缩感知去噪代码,一种用于去噪的CS的有效代码,简单适用-Compressed sensing denoising code, one for denoising CS valid code, a simple application
  3. 所属分类:Special Effects

    • 发布日期:2016-01-12
    • 文件大小:2048
    • 提供者:柳树
  1. Compressive sensing

  2. the Compressed Sensing (CS) methods in general and analyze the performance of Compressive Channel Estimation (CCE). CCE is an application of the theory and methodology of CS to the problem of estimating doubly selective channels in multicarrier syste
  3. 所属分类:matlab例程

    • 发布日期:2014-06-19
    • 文件大小:218106
    • 提供者:chuxuanbach
  1. Compressed Sensing

  2. 图像压缩传感重构的matlab程序和文献(Image compressed sensing reconstruction Matlab procedures and documentation)
  3. 所属分类:matlab例程

    • 发布日期:2018-01-02
    • 文件大小:306176
    • 提供者:XHUAN0CTY
  1. Compressed Sensing of EEG_v2

  2. Compressed Sensing of EEG
  3. 所属分类:压缩解压

    • 发布日期:2018-01-11
    • 文件大小:279552
    • 提供者:Hebah
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